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COMMUNITY NEWS -Mental health advocate recognised

A former elite athlete and natural bodybuilder turned mental health advocate was named Citizen of the Year in the recent Sunshine Coast Biosphere Community Awards.

Leon Stensholm received the honour for his dedication to helping, mentoring, and supporting young people on the Sunshine Coast through his youth centre, Lookout 07 (

His vision to create the centre emerged from his own deeply personal journey – the tragic loss of his brother and four clients to suicide.

Leon recognised disconnection and isolation from friends and family as the common denominator in their stories and knew something had to change.

He embarked on a mission to create a safe, welcoming, all-inclusive space for young kids, where meaningful connections support their path to physical, mental and social wellbeing.

Leon’s dream came to fruition in 2023 when he opened Lookout 07, which provides recreation facilities alongside resilience programs, mentoring and crisis counselling for around 150 youths each week.

The judges, who had the challenging task of selecting the 2024 recipients, applauded Leon for using his professional experiences to help so many young people each week, and for his generosity of space, time and skill.

They summed it up in four words, ‘We need more Leons!’.

The Sunshine Coast Biosphere Community Awards recognised, celebrated and showcased the stories of 79 dedicated individuals, organisations and businesses contributing to a sustainable region now, and into the future.

Sunshine Coast Mayor Rosanna Natoli said the collective impact all the nominees had on region was humbling.

“The information we receive about the nominees shares just a fraction of the inspiring stories behind them,” Mayor Natoli said.

“Each of our fabulous nominees should feel a sense of pride to be recognised by their community and we celebrate and are thankful for every one of them.

“These stories represent what is special about our Sunshine Coast Biosphere and why this is such a wonderful place to live, work, learn and play.”

Our Sunshine Coast Biosphere is a way of life, caring for our environment, creating thriving communities and growing our local economy.

2024 Sunshine Coast Biosphere Community Award Recipients


Category                                                        Recipient name/s

Citizen of the Year                                        Leon Stensholm

Senior Citizen of the Year                            Ken Mewburn

Young Citizen of the Year                            Kurt Jones

Community Group or Organisation            endED

Healthy People                                             Trevor Picken

Biosphere Business of the Year                 Go For Zero

Creative Arts (Jointly Awarded)    Helena Gulash

                                                                        Paul Calcott

Healthy Planet (Jointly Awarded)         Craig Hosmer and Daryl Reinke


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